Mindfulness workshops

A place to connect with your breath, body and learn how to feel as present as possible.

I create and deliver mindful spaces as one-off workshops, a workshops series or as a Wellbeing day offering. If you need a little time for you and your colleagues to unwind and reconnect I can offer a range of activities which can help with that.

These include how to connect with nature, practical mindfulness techniques, sensory activities, journalling and creative expression as well as movement, music and practicing speaking what you want out loud.

My intention is that you will be able to take away one or a number of tools to use in your day-to-day life.

I feel it is important to say I take equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) seriously. I am very open to tailoring my offering so all can access the and feel as comfortable and as safe as possible.

I offer discounts for unincorporated groups, charities, CICs, voluntary organisations and small organisations.

If you would like to talk to me, please book a complementary call, pop me an email at i@gemmagwenarmes.com or give me a call on 07825770427.

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